Below are our articles on the subject of Recovery. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Adjustments to Lifestyle After Surgery
Some of the more common reasons why you might be required to make certain adjustments to your lifestyle following hospital surgery if the surgery is to prove…...

Coping After an Abortion
The range of emotions you may experience after you’ve had an abortion and the way in which no two people will experience life after abortion in exactly the same way.…...

Dietary Adjustments After Surgery
How it’s imperative in certain circumstances and for certain conditions and surgical procedures that you make the necessary recommended dietary adjustments which your…...

Getting Over a Miscarriage
How people will cope with miscarriage in very different ways and that there are no right or wrong ways to try to come to terms with it or the feelings you’re…...

Going to Physiotherapy After Surgery
The role of a physiotherapist and the importance of following a structured programme of physiotherapy in accordance with how it has been devised is you want to ensure…...

Infection After an Operation
How infections can occasionally occur at the site of your surgical wound following surgery. These are commonly referred to as SSIs (surgical site infections) and can…...

Pain Management and Control After an Operation
How you’re likely to suffer with some kind of pain and discomfort following surgery and how your surgical team will discuss this with you both before and after surgery…...

Preparing to Go Home from Hospital
How you will be well advised about how to continue your recovery at home once you’ve been given permission to leave hospital. Making the necessary logistical…...

Recovering After Surgery
How recovery post surgery is not an exact science and the extent of your recovery and the rate at which it takes place will vary from person to person based upon a…...

Recovering From Laser Eye Surgery
How laser eye surgery has been proven over the past 10 years or so to improve a person’s long or short-sightedness and astigmatism so that they no longer need to wear…...

Scar Healing
How scars form part of the natural healing process when you’ve undergone surgery or suffered some kind of open wound. How keyhole surgery and other technological…...

The Importance of Remobilising After Surgery
The post-operative phase for many patients can be speeded up or made easier if the patient is very positive and tries their best to help themselves. By encouraging the…...