Below are our articles on the subject of Preparation. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

All You Need to Know About Medical Consent
What is meant by medical consent or informed consent and the responsibilities of the medical profession as well as who can give consent....

Dealing With Surgical Delays
How it’s important to try to remain positive, focused and to keep looking forward if your hospital surgery is delayed. Some of the emotions you may feel and how you…...

Eating and Drinking Before You Go Into Hospital
The reasons why you are told not to eat or drink anything for several hours prior to surgery and how it’s the effects of the anaesthetic which can cause problems if…...

Explaining Your Hospital Stay to Young Children
How to explain to a young child that you need to go into hospital. The importance of being open and honest with them and being prepared to answer any questions they…...

How Anaesthetic Works
The various types of anaesthetic which are used during surgery. How anaesthetic works and how the role of the anaesthetist is a highly skilled and delicate one....

How Sedation Works
A sedative is a drug that is used during an unpleasant medical procedure such as a tooth extraction or endoscopy; it doesn’t prevent the sensation of pain but it…...

Preparing Mentally For a Hospital Stay
some of the various methods you might care to adopt to prepare yourself mentally for a hospital stay. How this will vary from person to person and how some people find…...

Preparing Physically For a Hospital Stay
A list of the things you should do prior to surgery in order that you go into hospital in the best physical shape possible. The importance of speaking to your GP or…...

Preparing Your Child for Surgery
Things you can do to help prepare your child if they need to go into hospital for surgery. The importance of offering love and support and how it’s useful to take them…...

Questions You May Want to Ask the Surgeon
How your surgeon will be able to answer any of your questions and concerns about the surgery you may be planning to undergo. The more typical questions that get asked…...

What is a 'Pre-Med'?
How some people are given premeds (or can request them) prior to surgery. What a pre-med is and the different purposes they’re designed for. How they’re more commonly…...

What is Meant By 'Informed Consent'?
What is meant by informed consent and how it’s important to understand what you are legally entering into if you sign a medical consent to treatment agreement. How…...

What is Pre-Admission Testing in Hospital?
The types of things which are involved in a pre-admission test procedure before hospital surgery. How certain tests and reviews will be carried out and instructions…...